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Is there even such a thing?

Do I ask this because I haven't find mines yet

See a soulmate is the one who buys  you the diamond ring

Or the one who won that dumb bet

Ok ok supposedly it means for every one person there's one person for them

Like Amy & Dickson or Shayna and Fergerson

Guess I gotta wait my turn

Patience is what I must learn

Guy to guy, come knocking on my door

But none catch my eye or even qualify

is my guy right under my nose

Working on the same floor

Or maybe the dude who gave me that rose

Show yourself.


Is there even such a thing??

If so why can't he come already

And tell me the wedding date

Maybe I'm in too much of a rush

but you see I got this crush

But I'm not sure if he's the one

The one to father my daughter and son

The one I dream about

The one I can't live without

The one who knows how to love me

And doesn't need me to tell him how to

The one he kept for me?!


Is there even such a thing??

Lord give me a clue

I'm waiting for you

To show me the one you saved

Mistakes... I already made

What if God already told me who?

And I've been just a fool...

Is he my soulmate?

That one I used to call my boo

way back from high school

if I'm not for him then why does my heart tell me that I am

Every time I see him my heart stops like damn

Why would god install this feeling in me If he's not for me

This isn't fair

Cupid shot me with his dart

And now He has my heart

I try to erase

Ugh!! I can't stop seeing his face

Every guy I try to replace him with

Doesn't even come close a little bit

Are we the "perfect fit".....

I say He's my "soulmate."

but SHE is HIS!!!!

Am I too late?


Is there even such a thing???

Am I going to marry someone I love but won't be my...


should I trust fate

To bring me my mate

or do I settle for the 2nd guy inline

That 09 dime

To take his last name

Seems like its all a game

A game called find your soulmate

And I lost too many times

Smh this is great!

I may never find mine




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